Ready for the Autumn?
photo credit: <a
at the University of Michigan in Autumn</a> via <a
href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>
As everyone starts coming back
from Summer breaks and schools, colleges and universities get ready for the new
term is a good time to make plans for the future of your service.
After going to Interlend 2015 I
am busy translating some of the ideas I got from all the presentations and the
informal chats with interlending colleagues (thanks everyone for your inspiring
ideas and enthusiasm) into some goals for the coming year. I am keen to demonstrate the value of my
attendance at Interlend 2015 so I can attend Interlend 2016. Once I have agreed the goal I hope to get
permission to blog about it in the future.
I hope everyone else who went to Interlend 2015 came back with ideas for
their own services as well.
At LSE, the Summer is a time when
the client base for inter-library loans shrinks as only researchers and staff
tend to use the service in the summer.
This means it is a good time for getting feedback. Personally,
taking a long Summer break was a helpful reminder to update all the
instructions for interlending work. When
you have to explain what you do to someone else it really makes you think about
how you approach each task that makes up the daily work of interlending. So you could say that a long Summer holiday
is good for the service.
I hope everyone had a great
Summer break and is now raring to go for Autumn. If not, just comfort yourself with the
thought that it is less than 4 months until Christmas!
Best wishes,