Copyright is a very hot topic right now for inter-library
loans. The FIL committee has been asked
many times to have speakers talk about the subject at our events. Since the changes came through in 2014, I
think we are more aware of wanting to do our legal best.
Facet’s July newsletter had some good resources that
can be used on a daily bases to help answer questions. They have recently published a new edition of
the book by Jane Secker and Chris Morrison called Copyright and E-learning
. Chris has spoken at a FIL function
before and has a wealth of knowledge.
CILIP has a blog post by the authors that gives you an over view of what
they talk about in the book. If you are a podcast listener, they are
interviewed by James Clay on his “e-learning Stuff Podcast” episode 91. The podcast is primarily about higher
education, but as we all know copyright isn’t just for academics.
Facet also sells other copyright books, though the
ones that I think would be the most useful for inter-library loans haven’t been
rewritten since the new changes. They do
have a new edition of Graham P Cornish’s book Copyright: Interpreting the
law for libraries, archives and information services. I find this very useful when I have any
There was a lively debate at the conference in June
and as the editor of the FIL Journal I would love it if someone wanted to
report on what they learn at the conference! Email me!
Enjoy the rest of the summer, autumn is around the
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