Friday 29 November 2013

Worldshare Trial at Goldsmiths library

I haven't managed to post here in a long while, but the FIL committee have been very forgiving! This term I was seconded to the REF2014 team, and as you can imagine it's been hectic up to this Friday's deadline. Our institutional repository is managed by library staff, and had a large part to play in getting the data ready for submission (which was eventually successful!).

As I explained in my last post, Goldsmiths are currently trialling OCLC Worldshare as a solution for our international requests. Because of my secondment I was only getting a little bit of practice at using it, and my line manager, who was covering my work and managing serials, didn't have time to explore all the functionality Worldshare offers. This week however, we both took park in a Webinar with a member of staff from OCLC who took us through the processes of sending borrowing requests and answered any questions we had along the way. I'm still not sure I'm convinced there isn't too much duplication of effort in using Worldshare. And personally I prefer just sending an email to international libraries and getting a full response from a human, rather than BL-style reply codes. But I'm ready to be convinced by Worldshare and will persevere! As always I'll keep you updated.

-Lucy Lambe

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